Columbia Kermit
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From: Josh Rigler <jrigler@colorado.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: kermit with PacComm Spirit-2 Packet Controller
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 12:09:58 -0700
Organization: University of Colorado at Boulder
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I'm trying to use kermit to test a direct (and eventually vi RF) link
between two PacComm packet controllers, which connect through a standard
serial port. On one end, I have a Gateway2000 laptop with Linux. I can
communicate with the packet controller beautifully in "local" mode. On
the other end I have a Gateway2000 desktop system. I start up kermit,
connect to the serial port, then I can't send any keyboard commands to
the packet controller. If I use the packet controller's connect command
from the first computer (laptop), I can send text messages to the
terminal on the other side, and they pop up on the screen, like they're
supposed to. I even tried swapping out the packet controllers, but the
problem seems to be with the desktop computer, not the controller.
I know this all sounds a little strange, but the gist of my question is
this. What could possible be the difference between the two systems
that would affect kermit? The only difference I can find in the two
kermits is that if I do a "show comm" on the good system, I get this...
Communications Parameters:
Line: /dev/ttyS1, speed: 9600, mode: local, modem: none
Terminal bits: 7, parity: none, duplex: full, flow: rts/cts, handshake:
Carrier: auto, lockfile: /var/lock/LCK..ttyS1
Escape character: 28 (^\)
Carrier Detect (CD): Off
Dataset Ready (DSR): On
Clear To Send (CTS): On
Ring Indicator (RI): Off
Data Terminal Ready (DTR): On
Request To Send (RTS): On
but when I do it on the bad computer, the "Dataset Ready", and "Clear to
Send" are turned off. Sorry for long message, but I want to be
thorough. If anyone has any suggestions, please be sure to CC me via
e-mail in addition to posting to this group. My news service is sketchy
at best.
Josh Rigler